Roman Jakobson (1956), and later Claude Levi-Strauss, emphasised that meaning arises from the differences between signifiers; these differences are two kinds: syntagmatic (concerning positioning) and paradigmatic (concerning substitution).
In fil and television, paradigms include ways of changing shot (such as cut, fade, dissolve and wipe). The medium or genre are also paradigms, and particular media texts derive meaning from the ways in which the medium and genre used differs from the alternatives.
Evaluating median language is an evaluation of all micro elements (mise-en-scene, camera angles, sound, editing, etc) and how they have created meaning to inform us about genre, narrative, representations/ideology, targeting of audience (through micro elements)
This, therefore, requires us to use semiotic terminology to explain ou encoding of elements and codes and conventions within our texts. The preferred meaning (Hall, 1980)is that we wanted the audience to decode based on what we encoded.
"media is communication"
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