Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Font Research

Artists use different fonts for their name/band on each product they make. They do this so that there is some variety in their products. It also gives the consumers of their music something to talk about on social media. If they always used the exact same logo every time, it would get boring for the consumer. To demonstrate this, I had a look at two existing products by Green Day.

They are all quite big fonts. This is so that when they are used on an album cover or magazine advert, they stand out from anything else that is on it. It is usually a bold text that is used as this shows that it is the most important information on the album/advert. They are usually in capital letters as well, as this draws more attention to it. This is done on many other existing products.

The name of the band/artist is always placed above any other piece of information. It is not always the biggest piece of text on the album/advert, but it is always at the top so it is clear that is the name of the band/artist. It is usually a different colour from the album/single name, but if it isn't, it is usually in a different font. 

Here are some bold fonts that would be good to use on a digipak or music advert. Personally, I like this one best:

I really like the worn look it has and it is a bold font which is conventional. I would use a font like this one on my digipak and advert as I think it goes well with the idea of the video. The video is about looking back at the past, so this font fits with this idea as it looks old.

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