Friday, 8 April 2016

Evaluation Question 2

How effective is the combination of my main product and ancillary texts?

Audience Feedback Survey

These are the responses I have got from my survey

From the feedback I got from Survey Monkey, I can see that the majority liked my three products. This survey was sent out to people at college (16-19 year olds), so they all fall within my target audience age range. I was worried that my products (mainly my video) wouldn't appeal to my target audience with it involving Playmobil, but thankfully it does. I do still have changes that I need to make to it but I am glad to see that people like what I have done so far. I have shown my music video to other people in college and they have liked it too. Some people mentioned that there needs to be more variety of shots, which I am going to shoot over the Easter holidays. I have been told that some shots on the beach might look goo as they fit with the theme and will create a wider variety of shots. Having a beach at the end of my street means that filming there will be easy as it is not far to go and I can go back another day and do more filming if I need to. Overall, I have had very positive feedback from my three products.

Advert and Digipak

I tried to make my magazine advert as simple as possible with my music video having a lot going on. I also tried to keep the colours to a minimum (excluding the logos) with my music video being in colour.

 I kept with the theme of breaking the conventions by making my advert not fill the page. The reason it doesn't fill the page is that I made the image I had into a circle. I was going to fill in the background but I didn't like how it looked. I think it is quite effective that my advert is really simple because it contrasts my music video but still fits within the promotional package. With the image being taken while I was on holiday, I felt that it fit with the theme of Summer. I made the image black and white to try and create the sense of it being old (with the music video being about looking back in time). By doing this, it makes the advert quite abstract which also contrasts my music video as my video has a narrative.

When I changed my music video, I added in footage that I took over the Easter holidays which I shot on the beach. When I started editing my footage together, I realised that some of the pieces of footage had a pink tint to them, which I didn't notice while filming. To get rid of this, I had to change them to black and white. I did this to all the clips from the beach. I was worried about how it would look as the rest of my music video is in colour. But I really like how it looks. It also creates continuity between the video and the magazine advert as the advert is also in black and white. I think the footage looks better in black and white by making it look more abstract which is like the magazine advert.

My digipak doesn't really have a colour scheme because I wanted it to be similar to my music video. I also wanted it to contrast my magazine advert. However, the main colour used on my digipak is blue from the cloud background. This can also link to the music video as the boy has a blue school uniform on. I really liked the clouds as a background for some of the panels of my digipak so I used it quite a lot. I did change the opacity of my digipak as I wanted it to be in colour but I didn't want it to be really bright.

Before I settled on a font that I would use on all of my products, I did some research so I could find a font that would best fit with the idea of my products and worked well with the message I am trying to give.
I had a look at a lot of fonts, I chose these fonts from a website called 1001fonts. The one I liked the most was this one:
I really liked this font because of the worn look it has. I was going to use this one as I liked it and thought it would go well with the idea of looking back in time. The worn look made it look quite old which also goes with the idea of me having my advert and parts of my video in black and white. I didn't end up choosing this font as I wanted to make one that was more individual. This was to work with the idea of having the Playmobil.

This is the font I made for my magazine advert. I liked that it is bold but still had the slightly worn look. I didn't end up choosing this font though as I didn't like how it looked on my magazine advert. I had a look at the fonts on Photoshop and found this one.

I really liked how this font looked as it still fits with my idea of looking old as I feel like it looks like a typewriter. I went with this font as I liked that it still stood out but didn't take away from the images I had used.
The font that I used for the album title 'Reckless' was also used on my digipak. I did this to create continuity between the two products. I chose this font as it seemed almost like a typewriter which I thought fit in with the theme of the past. Although, a typewriter isn't used in my music video, I liked how it fit in with the theme. I also used the cloud background to link the products together. The cloud background was taken from my original image. I used it on my digipak on a few of the panels and it is on my advert (in black and white).

When I made changes to my music video, I added the old video recording effect as I felt that this looked better and clearly distinguished the difference between the actual footage and the recordings. I also think it makes it a bit funny as it is called 'Alexcam', which is the name of my character. For this, I used the same font that I used on my advert and digipak to create more continuity between all of my products.

What would I have done differently if I could do it again

If I could make all three products again, I would have done more research into stop frame and how to do it well as I really struggled with this. My main struggle was getting the camera to stay in exactly the same place with me taking all my photos individually. I would have also recorded more footage than I needed as I don't have enough for my video. So I have repeated a lot of the footage. I should have used more locations in my video as it is limited to my house and the back garden. When I do some extra filming, I am going to do some on the beach as this will mean that there will be less repeated footage and will mean I have more than one location. It will also mean I can be more creative with my footage and will have more room to work with when filming. I need to put more effects on my footage as I haven't really put any on it.

This is the latest and final edit of my music video. I posted it onto Facebook for people to look at and comment on. After posting it, I received two texts about it.

I have also had verbal feedback from my Mum. All the feedback I have received has been positive and by people who do not fall within my target audience age range. I have also shown my video to some people at college who do fall within my target audience age range, and they like it too. I am really happy with how my music video has turned out and that it appeals to people inside and outside of the age range I was aiming the product at.

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